Porcelaneous stoneware with lustrous greyish-green glaze 中國南方青瓷,, Longquan kilns 龍泉窯, Zhejiang Province 浙江省, Ming dynasty 明代 (1368-1644).
Production intensified under the Ming, when large quantities of export ceramics were manufactured, as well as objects for the domestic market and for the imperial court. Shapes became more varied and the decoration more diverse.
Ring-handled bottle 青瓷雙耳瓶
Ming dynasty, circa 15th c.
The characters shou 壽, “longevity”, and fu 福, “happiness”, are moulded on a peony and chrysanthemum ground.Bowl 青瓷印紋碗
Ming dynasty, 14th - 15th c.
The impressed decoration depicting figures and Chinese characters represents a famous theatrical work by Gao Ming 高明 (14th century), the Pipaji 琵琶記 or The Lore of the Chinese Lute.
Globular ewer 青瓷印紋壺
Ming dynasty, 15th - 16th c.
The decorative scheme includes sprays of peach and lychee alternating with peony and camellia.Octagonal ink palette 八角硯
Ming dynasty, mark of Xuande 宣德 (1426-1435)
The decoration depicts the Eight Trigrams, or bagua 八卦. Used in divination, they consist of combinations of three lines, broken or unbroken, placed one above the other.