
Room 5

Jades and precious stones 中國玉器

Case 26

  1. Pair of rectangular zun vases zun 綠玉方尊瓶一對

    Late Qing dynasty or early Republic (1912-1949)

    CB-JC-1931-80 and CB-JC-1931-81

    Nephrite. A double moulding serves as a base, on which is inscribed the character “sky” 天.
  2. Dish 灰白玉雙菊花形耳盤

    Late Qing dynasty or early Republic (1912-1949)


    Nephrite. The outside is decorated with a six-pointed star, while petals and leaves stretch out to form handles. A similar decorative scheme made of rock crystal is also known.
  3. Spouted vessel with lid 白玉圓形酒壺

    Qing dynasty, 18th c., Qianlong 乾隆 (1736-1795) Imperial workshop


  4. Pair of lidded vessels in the shape of quails


    Qing dynasty, 18th c., Qianlong 乾隆 (1736-1795) Imperial workshop

    CB-JC-1930-100 and CB-JC-1930-101

    Nephrite. The pair of quails symbolises conjugal bliss. The details in the birds’ plumage are beautifully rendered, as are the feet visible under the box.
  5. Six-lobed bowl 翠玉喜碗

    Late Qing dynasty or early Republic (1912-1949)


    Nephrite. Under the base can be seen the mark “Qianlong” 乾隆 (1736-1795).
  6. Pair of bowls 禦用白玉刻花紋一對

    Qing dynasty, 18th c., Qianlong 乾隆 (1736-1795) Imperial workshop

    CB-JC-1930-38 and CB-JC-1930-39

    Nephrite. These two extremely high-quality pieces are decorated with a floral pattern engraved on the inside and outside.
  7. Pair of bowls 綠玉碗一對

    Qing dynasty, 18th c., Qianlong 乾隆 (1736-1795) Imperial workshop

    CB-JC-1950-32 and CB-JC-1950-33


  8. Oblong cup 綠玉鴛鴦紋喜碗

    Late Qing dynasty or early Republic (1912-1949)


    Jadeite. Male and female mandarin ducks decorate the rim of this cup which illustrates how a vein of a different colour may be used in a design.
  9. Box with lid 白玉浮雕吉祥紋蓋盒

    Qing dynasty, 18th c., Qianlong 乾隆 (1736-1795) Imperial workshop


    Nephrite. On the belly are depicted four of the Eight Buddhist Emblems 八吉祥: the wheel, the conch shell, the endless knot, the ceremonial umbrella and an inscription which, combined with one on the lid, expresses the wish for good fortune. On the lid are the four remaining emblems: the lotus, the canopy, a pair of fish and the vase; at the very top is the character for “longevity” shou , encircled by five bats.
  10. Four-lobed cup 綠玉雕花紋洗

    Late Qing dynasty, circa 1900-1911


    Nephrite. A spray of what seems to be a begonia decorates the bottom of this cup.