The powdered green tea (matcha 抹茶) used in the tea ceremony is presented in different containers according to the type of tea served. The powder for the thick tea (koicha 濃茶) is kept in small stoneware caddies known as cha-ire 茶入, while that of the thin tea (usucha 薄茶) comes in a lacquer natsume 棗 (see case 1). The first cha-ire were small medicine jars imported from China, which were then reproduced in Japanese kilns. Their shape and glaze vary enormously, depending on the characteristics of each kiln site.
As with other highly-prized tea utensils, the cha-ire are traditionally wrapped in small cloth bags (shifuku 仕覆), and kept in wooden storage boxes (kibako木箱). These boxes frequently bear inscriptions giving valuable information concerning the piece placed within, such as its provenance (artist or kiln site), its date, its name if it has received one, and possibly the identity of previous owners. Unfortunately, the original kibako of the cha-ire of the Baur Foundation have not been passed down to us; consequently, the exact dates and provenance of the exhibited caddies are difficult to determine and must therefore be considered provisional.
Cha-ire, katatsuki shape, 肩衝茶入
with shifuku とその仕覆
Seto ware 伝瀬戸焼
Late Momoyama period 桃山末期
Cha-ire, nasubi shape 茄子茶入
Attributed to Nonomura Ninsei (c. 1648-1694) 伝野々村仁清 (1648-1694頃)
Cha-ire, katatsuki shape, 肩衝茶入
with shifuku とその仕覆
Seto ware 伝瀬戸焼
Late Momoyama or early Edo 桃山末期~江戸初期
Whisk (chasen), bamboo 茶筅
Modern 現代
Cha-ire, taikai shape 内海茶入
with shifuku とその仕覆
Seto ware 伝瀬戸焼
Momoyama period 桃山時代
Cha-ire, katatsuki shape 肩衝茶入
Shigaraki ware 伝信楽焼
Momoyama period 桃山時代
Cha-ire, mentori-katatsuki shape 面取肩衝茶入
Shidoro ware (Shizuoka) 伝志戸呂焼
Edo period, 17th century 江戸初期
Cha-ire, marutsubo shape 丸壺茶入
with shifuku とその仕覆
Shidoro ware (Shizuoka) 伝志戸呂焼
Edo period, 17th century 江戸初期
Cha-ire, katatsuki shape 肩衝茶入
Unknown provenance 窯本不明
Edo period, 17th - 18th century 江戸初~中期
Cha-ire with handles 耳付茶入
with shifuku とその仕覆
Satsuma ware 伝薩摩焼
Edo period 江戸時代
Dish, stoneware 草文鉢
Underglaze floral design
Shino ware 志野焼
Momoyama period 桃山時代
Kibako box 木箱
Paulownia wood 桐財
Inscribed « Zeze kilns , cha-ire » 書付 膳所焼茶入
Cha-ire, katatsuki shape 肩衝茶入
Takatori ware 伝高取焼
Edo period, 17th century 江戸初期
CB-CJ-1933-142Cha-ire, katatsuki shape 肩衝茶入
with shifuku とその仕覆
Zeze ware 膳所焼
Edo period, 17th century 江戸初期
Tea spatula (chashaku) 茶杓
Carved by Satô Shôan (1939-) 佐藤昭庵作 (1939-)
Named « Go » by Sekkaku-an Jakuô, with kaô 銘« 業 »、拙鶴庵若翁筆 (花押)