Plus léger que l'air / Lighter Than Air
Laure Schwartz-Arenales ed.
129 pp., 99 ill. col. ill., Geneva & Milan, 2024, 55.-
In commemoration of Alfred Baur's memorable journey to the Land of the Rising Sun, undertaken exactly one hundred years ago during cherry blossom season, his museum in Geneva has chosen to pay tribute to the artist Uehara Michiko, a virtuoso of weaving. In her native region, Okinawa, an archipelago in the far south of Japan, she creates sublime fabrics as light as "the wing of a dragonfly". From her symbiotic relationship with the silk and natural fibers, "woven air" is born. This epic journey, attuned to life and defying gravity, is not unrelated to the endeavors of Bertrand Piccard and his Solar Impulse aircraft.