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Si loin, si proche : le Pays du matin calme

Ji-Young Demol Park - Lee Lee Nam

23 février 2024


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Pop Up !

Variations de printemps autour des collections

4 avril 2023


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The Secret of Colours

Ceramics in China and Europa from the 18th Century to the Present

31 août 2022


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Estampes japonaises 1860-1890

16 mai 2022

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Eloge de la lumière - In Praise of Light

Pierre Soulages - Tanabe Chikuunsai IV

9 novembre 2021


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The Beginning of the World

Dragons, Phoenix and Other Chimera

12 octobre 2020


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Of Clay and Silk

Marie-Laure Guerrier and In-Sook Son

12 septembre 2019


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A Millennium of Monochromes

From the Great Tang to the High Qing

26 septembre 2018


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6 septembre 2017


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A Chinese Adventure

A Swiss family in pursuit of success in the Celestial Empire

6 avril 2017


Press release
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