Exhibition : Virginia and Edward Chow Donation
En mai et juin, la Fondation Baur rend hommage aux laques de la donation Virginia et Edward Chow, par une exposition au 1er étage du musée. Cet ensemble de douze laques chinois dévoile les créations les plus parfaites des artisans des dynasties Ming (1368-1644) et Qing (1644-1911). Ces boîtes, plats, et autres objets précieux, animés de riches décors, sont gravés, incrustés de nacre ou peints.
L'exposition ouvre le 29 avril avec une conférence d'Helen Loveday à 18h30 : Laques chinois des Ming (1368-1644) et des Qing (1644-1911) : la donation Chow
Week-end portes ouvertes les 3 et 4 mai.
Le Bulletin N° 81 est consacré à cette donation (disponible à la boutique du musée)

From February 27th to April 20th 2025
Utagawa Kuniyoshi 歌川国芳 (1797-1861)
Calming the waves by invoking the name of the Lotus Sutra, from the series Illustrated Biography of the monk Nichiren (1222-1282)
Ôban, published by Iseya Rihei, c. 1835
Photo Marian Gérard
For reasons of conservation, the prints presented in the Japanese galleries on the second floor of the museum are regularly changed every two months. Between six and ten prints are on show at any given time.

From December 17th 2024 to February 23rd 2025
Keisai Eisen 渓斎英泉 (1790-1848)
Lingering Snow at Shinobugaoka, from the series Eight Views of Edo
Ôban, published by Yamamotoya Heikichi, mid 1840s
Photo Marian Gérard
For reasons of conservation, the prints presented in the Japanese galleries on the second floor of the museum are regularly changed every two months. Between six and ten prints are on show at any given time.

160 years of diplomatic relations
The Baur Foundation, Museum of Far Eastern Art is honoured to be among the recipients of the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs Prize, presented by Ambassador OIKE Atsuyuki on 29 November, alongside the Ariana Museum and the Martin Bodmer Foundation, Library and Museum.
This distinction honours the exceptional contribution of our museum institutions to the cultural rapprochement between Switzerland and Japan, and is also part of the 160th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our two countries.
This year also marks the 60th anniversary of the opening of our museum to the public. It was on 9 October 1964 that the Baur Foundation, Museum of Far Eastern Art, was inaugurated, the only museum in Switzerland exclusively dedicated to art objects from China and Japan. "We can thus imagine the joy and pride that Alfred Baur, its founder, would have felt upon receiving from the Japanese government a prize that honors his museum; an emotion that unites all the people who for 60 years have continued to preserve and bring this heritage to life.
As demanding as it is stimulating, our task ultimately remains driven by the pioneering spirit of Alfred Baur, an aesthete and modern, and whose passion for the object of art, in its technical and decorative refinement, whether ancient or contemporary, encourages us to inscribe excellence in our time, to share as generously as possible the beauty, history and knowledge attached to the virtuoso work of the hand." (Excerpt from the speech given by Laure Schwartz-Arenales on the occasion of the award ceremony on 29.11.2024).

The museum will be closed to the public from December 24th, 2024, until January 2nd, 2025 (reopening on Friday January 3rd at 2pm).

From October 24th to December 22nd 2024
Utagawa Kunisada 歌川国貞 (1786-1865)
Beauties Returning from the Bath-house
Ôban triptych, published by Maruya Jinpachi, c. 1845

From August 13rd to October 6th 2024
Utagawa Kuniyoshi 歌川国芳 (1797-1861)
Princess Tamatori and the Dragon King
Ôban triptych, published by Yamaguchiya Tôbei, 1853
Photo Marian Gérard
For reasons of conservation, the prints presented in the Japanese galleries on the second floor of the museum are regularly changed every two months. Between six and ten prints are on show at any given time.

Samedi 31 août et dimanche 1er septembre : Un week-end en Asie
Pour célébrer les 60 ans du musée, la Fondation Baur vous a concocté un week-end entièrement made in Asia !
Démonstrations d'arts martiaux et d'arts traditionnels, ateliers créatifs et visites guidées pour adultes et enfants, jeu de piste et photo corners... Il en aura pour tout le monde et pour tous les goûts.
Bienvenue à toutes et à tous! Huanying ! Irasshaimase !
CHF 10.- en tarif normal
CHF 5.- en tarif réduit
Gratuit pour les Amis du musée et les moins de 18 ans
Prix spécial pour les deux jours :
CHF 15.- en tarif normal
CHF 8.- en tarif réduit
Gratuit pour les Amis du musée et les moins de 18 ans

Saturday 21 September : Mask-making Demonstration Talk
Noh Masks
Renowned mask-carver Kitazawa Hideta will explore the process of designing, carving and working with noh masks. Kitazawa is unique in the noh world in making new masks for innovative and experimental noh pieces, including English-language noh as well as classical noh and kyogen masks.
Saturday 21 September 2024 | 2.30 pm
Duration : ca. 1h30
Adults and teenagers
CHF 10.- (normal price) ; CHF 5.- (students, seniors, unemployed and "Amis") ; free of charge, children under 18

From June 25th to August 18th 2024
Sudden Rain at Mimeguri
Ôban triptych, published by Izumiya Ichibei, c. 1842Photo Marian Gérard
For reasons of conservation, the prints presented in the Japanese galleries on the second floor of the museum are regularly changed every two months. Between six and ten prints are on show at any given time.

34e édition - Vernissages communs d’Art en Vieille-Ville Genève (AVV) : jeudi 2 mai de 16h à 21h
Portes ouvertes le samedi 4 mai de 14h à 18h
Entrée libre au musée (exposition temporaire, collections permanentes Chine, Japon et salle des Donations).
From April 23rd to June 23rd 2024
Keisai Eisen 渓斎英泉 (1790-1848)
Distant View of Inagawa Bridge at Nojiri, from the series Sixty-Nine Stations of the Kisokaidô
Ôban, published by Takenouchi Magohachi, late 1840s
Photo Marian Gérard
For reasons of conservation, the prints presented in the Japanese galleries on the second floor of the museum are regularly changed every two months. Between six and ten prints are on show at any given time.

Concours de dessin
Dragons chinois, japonais ou coréen...il en serpente à tous les étages du musée ! Pendant les vacances de Pâques, venez "croquer" votre dragon préféré à la Fondation Baur.
Petite récompense coréenne pour les quatre dessins gagnants.
Tout public
Activité sans encadrement : papier, crayons de couleurs et planches à dessin prêtés à l’accueil
Du vendredi 29 mars au dimanche 14 avril, glissez votre dessin (avec vos coordonnées) dans notre boîte à concours
From March 7th to April 21st 2024
Keisai Eisen 渓斎英泉 (1790–1848)
Kaneiji Temple at Ueno
Ôban, published by Kawaguchiya Uhei, late 1830s
Photo Marian Gérard
For reasons of conservation, the prints presented in the Japanese galleries on the second floor of the museum are regularly changed every two months. Between six and ten prints are on show at any given time.

60 years of the museum: free admission every Saturday!
From January 9th to March 6th 2024
Utagawa Hiroshige 歌川広重 (1797-1858)
Nihonbashi Bridge in the snow
Ôban, published by Yamashiroya Kanbei, 1854
Photo Marian Gérard
For reasons of conservation, the prints presented in the Japanese galleries on the second floor of the museum are regularly changed every two months. Between six and ten prints are on show at any given time.

December at the museum : Calendar and Tea Stall
To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the museum's opening to the public, we have produced a calendar for 2024, illustrated with emblematic objects from the museum. On sale in the museum shop, CHF 15.- each (CHF 12.- for Friends of the museum). May also be ordered from: musee@fondationbaur.ch
The museum will be closed to the public from December 23rd 2023 until January 1st 2024 (reopening on Tuesday January 2nd at 2pm).

From November 14th 2023 to January 3rd 2024
Utagawa Kunisada 歌川国貞 (1786-1865)
Making music
Ôban triptych, published by Yamamotoya Heikichi, c.1847
Photo Marian Gérard
For reasons of conservation, the prints presented in the Japanese galleries on the second floor of the museum are regularly changed every two months. Between six and ten prints are on show at any given time.

Art en Vieille Ville : Thursday November 2 and Saturday November 4
For this year’s Art en Vieille Ville event, free admission to the Fondation Baur on Thursday November 2 (4 pm-8 pm) and Saturday November 4 (2 pm-6 pm).
On Thursday November 2, at 6.30 pm, you are invited to come and discover our showcase dedicated to the watches of the Hans Wilsdorf 2023 competition, on the theme "Dans l'écrin du musée Baur". The pieces will be discussed by their creators - students from the CFPArts jewellery programme.

Seventeenth-century Chinese Porcelain, Further Research, New Discoveries through an in-depth study of the Butler Collection"
Lecture: October 7 | 3.00 PM
When Sir Michael Butler died in 2013, his collection of seventeenth-century Chinese porcelain was the largest and most famous in the world of its kind. Despite being well documented and exhibited, more than half of the 850 pieces had not been published until the recent book by the speakers titled Leaping the Dragon Gate: The Sir Michael Butler Collection of Seventeenth-Century Chinese Porcelain. The collection’s comprehensive nature allows for comparisons of manufacture, shapes, decorative styles and motifs across time. In an in-depth study, the authors have drawn together multiple sources of evidence and new research not only to better classify and understand the Butler collection but also to discuss the wider story of seventeenth-century Chinese porcelain production and consumption.
These two talks will present the most significant and interesting fruits of the research as well as discussing the history and importance of the Butler collection.
Teresa Canepa is an independent researcher and lecturer in Chinese and Japanese art, and currently a council member of the Oriental Ceramic Society in London and co-editor of the OCS newsletter. She completed a PhD in Art History at Leiden University, The Netherlands, and is author of Silk, Porcelain and Lacquer: China and Japan and their trade with Western Europe and the New World, 1500-1644 (Paul Holberton Publishing, London, 2016); and Jingdezhen to the World: The Lurie Collection of Chinese Export Porcelain from the Late Ming Dynasty (Ad Ilissvm, London, 2019). She has published a number of articles and lectured widely on these subjects.
Katharine Butler, a fellow OCS council member, is an entrepreneur and business woman. She has an MA in History of Art from Edinburgh University and worked closely with her father cataloguing and researching the collection. She has been studying and collecting seventeenth-century Chinese porcelain ever since, co-authoring this catalogue raissoné with Teresa Canepa.
Free, no registration required

GENEVA ART WEEK - 12 September - A talk with Pauline d'Abrigeon, China curator
Dans le cadre de la première édition de Geneva Art Week, la Fondation Baur propose une rencontre informelle avec la conservatrice des collections chinoises, Pauline d'Abrigeon, autour de l'histoire du musée et de sa collection de céramiques impériales chinoises, ainsi que des diverses tâches qui lui incombent en tant que conservatrice et commissaire d'exposition.
Exposition de montres "Dans l'écrin du musée Baur"
La filière bijouterie-joaillerie du CFPArts de Genève, mandatée depuis de nombreuses années par la Fondation Hans Wilsdorf pour organiser un concours d’habillage horloger, a choisi pour cette année le thème « Dans l’écrin du musée Baur ».
Les montres créées par les étudiantes et étudiants sont exposées dans la salle 7 du premier étage.
Le 30 juin : après-midi "portes ouvertes" et inauguration de la vitrine à 15h30.

From June 22nd to September 3rd
Utagawa Kunisada 歌川国貞 (1786-1865) and Utagawa Hiroshige 歌川広重 (1797-1858)
Akashi, from the series The Elegant Prince Genji (Fûryû Genji)
Ôban triptych, published by Iseya Kanekichi, 1853
Photo Marian Gérard
For reasons of conservation, the prints presented in the Japanese galleries on the second floor of the museum are regularly changed every two months. Between six and ten prints are on show at any given time.

Temporary closure 1st Floor
The rooms on the first floor of the museum (Qing dynasty porcelain) will be closed to the public due to renovation work from 6th to 9th June (reopening Saturday 10th June).

A l'occasion de la Journée internationale des musées, la Fondation Baur est ouverte en visite libre, dimanche 21 mai tout l'après-midi. Profitez-en pour venir découvrir nos vitrines Pop up ou visiter le jardin japonais!
De 14h à 18h, tout public

From May 9th to June 21st
Utagawa Kuniyoshi 歌川国芳 (1797-1861)
The Hagi Crystal River in Ômi Province
Ôban triptych, published by Sanoya Kihei, c. 1847
Photo Marian Gérard
For reasons of conservation, the prints presented in the Japanese galleries on the second floor of the museum are regularly changed every two months. Between six and ten prints are on show at any given time.

Saturday 13 May : Nuit des Musées
Pour cette nouvelle édition de la Nuit de musées, venez explorer les "5 sens" à la Fondation Baur : visites et ateliers sensoriels, jeu de piste et concert (en partenariat avec la Haute Ecole de Musique de Genève).
Pour plus de détails, consultez notre agenda http://www.fondation-baur.ch/fr/agenda-culturel
et pour connaître le programme complet de l'événement https://nuitdesmusees-geneve.ch/
Comptoir de thé Aux Mille Pins et food truck Debi's Kitchen, tout au long de la soirée
De 18h à 23h

Café philo au musée
Réflexions sur le rapport entre l’Homme et le monde vivant
Samedi 29 avril 2023
15h à 16h
Par Laurent Freland, professeur de philosophie à l’Institut International de Lancy (IIL) à Genève et des élèves en dernière année de secondaire
Dans le cadre de l’événement Pop Up ! Variations de printemps autour des collections proposé par la Fondation Baur, musée des arts d’Extrême-Orient, IIL organise un café-philo sur le rapport entre l’Homme et le monde vivant. Installés dans l’une des salles emblématiques du musée, des élèves en dernière année de secondaire coanimeront ce débat avec leur professeur de philosophie Laurent Freland et inviteront les visiteurs présents à partager leur point de vue. La discussion sera ponctuée par des interventions d’élèves qui présenteront leurs œuvres coups de cœur issues des collections Baur et inviteront les participants à aller les découvrir de leurs propres yeux au terme de cette rencontre.
Tout public, sans inscription

Pendant les vacances de Pâques (du vendredi 7 au dimanche 23 avril), venez faire une pause dans notre jardin sec (ouvert au public les mercredis et dimanches) ou découvrir fleurs et insectes dans les vitrines pop up... et proposez-nous un haïku inspiré des scènes et phénomènes de saison observés sur nos objets.
A déposer à l'accueil ou envoyer à mediation@fondationbaur.ch. Petite récompense pour les poèmes les plus originaux.
Activité tout public
Matériel et informations complémentaires à l'accueil

Condition Report of the Japanese “Tatsuta” screen
Condition Report of the Japanese “Tatsuta” screen
On February 21, we welcomed four experts from the Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties (TOBUNKEN). The goal of their visit was to assess the condition of the Japanese screen representing the Tatsuta River, exhibited on the 2nd floor of the museum.
Acquired in 1964 by the Baur Foundation at the opening of the museum, this screen, was recently featured in Japan.
Its monumentality, the presence of the signature of the master Kanô Shôsen'in Tadanobu (1823-1880), as well as the quality of its workmanship and its materials are all elements which have made it possible to identify it as the one of the precious paintings described in the Japanese inventories mentioning the objects that accompanied Tokugawa Akitake, younger brother of the shogun Yoshinobu, in Paris on the occasion of the International Exhibition of 1867.
Confirming the unique status of this screen, the condition report carried out by the four experts will allow us to progress in the understanding of materials and techniques and to ensure its proper conservation.
From left to right:
Rei MAIZAWA (Researcher, Art historian of Buddhist Art)
Tomoko EMURA (Director of Department of Art Research, Archives and Information Systems, Researcher)
Laure Schwartz-Arenales (Director of the Baur Foundation)
Masato KATO (Paper Scientist, Head of conservation program)
Namika KATAFUCHI (Conservation Science, Associate fellow)

From March 7th to April 30th 2023
Utagawa Hiroshige 歌川広重 (1797-1858)
Parties of women in a fight
Ôban triptych, published by Maruya Seijirô, 1852
Photo Marian Gérard
For reasons of conservation, the prints presented in the Japanese galleries on the second floor of the museum are regularly changed every two months. Between six and ten prints are on show at any given time.

Podcast “China – France: Ceramists and spies”
« La recherche à l’œuvre » – podcast by l’Institut national de l’histoire de l’art (INHA).
Listen to Pauline d'Abrigeon, curator at the Baur Foundation, museum of Far Eastern Art, and curator of the exhibition The Secret of Colours.
“China – France: Ceramists and spies”:
The podcast is produced and directed by the INHA in partnership with Beaux-Arts magazine
Author: Anne-Cécile Genre
Production, sound design, mixing: Théo Boulenger
Jingle: Guillaume Auguet
Executive production: Alessandra Danelli and Jean-Baptiste Costa de Beauregard
© Illustration: Jean-Michel Tixier, Talkie Walkie agency

From January 10th to March 5th 2023
Utagawa Kuniyoshi 歌川国芳 (1797-1861)
A Snowy Morning
Ôban triptych, published by Ibaya Senzaburô, c. 1847
Photo Marian Gérard
For reasons of conservation, the prints presented in the Japanese galleries on the second floor of the museum are regularly changed every two months. Between six and ten prints are on show at any given time.

Pendant une semaine, le workshop de peinture sur émail de la filière bijouterie du CFP Arts s’installe à la Fondation Baur.
A l’occasion de votre visite de l’exposition Le secret des couleurs, venez observer les élèves au travail : peinture et cuisson des émaux sur métaux.
Présence alternée, tous les après-midis du mardi 24 janvier au samedi 28 janvier, à la bibliothèque au sous-sol du musée.
Tout public, sans inscription

Lecture : Januray 17th | 6.30 pm
Imperial porcelain with painted enamels during Qing Kangxi (1662-1722) era and Yongzheng (1723-35) era
By Meg Chu-ping Wang, former researcher in the Department of Restoration at the National Palace Museum, Taipei .
The lecture will be broadcast in English from the United States and can be viewed in the museum's lecture hall or online. Link : https://youtu.be/T_l4RC8qgBg
Duration 1 hour, adults
Free, no registration required

The museum will be closed to the public from December 24th 2022 until January 2nd 2023 (reopening on Tuesday January 3rd at 2pm).

From November 16th 2022 to Januray 8th 2023
Utagawa Kuniyoshi歌川国芳 (1797-1861)
The monk Nichiren at Tsukahara, Sado island
Oban , published by Iseya Rihei, c. 1835
Photo Marian Gérard
For reasons of conservation, the prints presented in the Japanese galleries on the second floor of the museum are regularly changed every two months. Between six and ten prints are on show at any given time.

For the duration of the exhibition The Secret of Colours, several examples of cloisonné and champlevé enamelware from the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties, belonging to the Alfred Baur collection, will be on display in a showcase in room 8 on the first floor of the museum.

From September 22nd to November 16th 2022
Utagawa Kunisada 歌川国貞 (1786-1865)
The Pleasures of Gathering Mushrooms in Mid-Autumn
Oban triptych, published by Kawachiya Chôzô, c. 1844
Photo Marian Gérard
For reasons of conservation, the prints presented in the Japanese galleries on the second floor of the museum are regularly changed every two months. Between six and ten prints are on show at any given time.

Automne de la Culture Japonaise 2022
For the Automne de la Culture Japonaise, the museum is organising three events:
Saturday 8 October at 3 pm: lecture by Claude Estèbe, historian of Japanese photography, on the theme of "Prints and photography".
Reservation required: reservations@fondationbaur.ch
Sunday 9 October from 2 pm: origami afternoon in collaboration with Emiko Okamoto (Aux Mille Pins)
Sunday 27 November at 4 pm: discovery of the legends of Japanese folk culture with the storyteller Isabelle Genlis (all ages)
Reservation required: reservations@fondationbaur.ch
Prices and further information: here

3rd biennial of the heART@geneva art trail
On the occasion of the 3rd biennial of the heART@geneva art trail, from 30th August to 31st October 2022, the Baur Foundation is pleased to exhibit three works by photographer Anoush Abrar, from the White Mask series created during his trip to Japan in 2019.
More information on www.heartgeneva.ch

From June 7th to September 21th 2022
Utagawa Kunisada 歌川国貞 (1786-1865)
Flowers, from the series Flowers, Birds, Wind, and Moon
Oban triptych, published by Aritaya Seiemon, c. 1848
Photo Marian Gérard
For reasons of conservation, the prints presented in the Japanese galleries on the second floor of the museum are regularly changed. Between six and ten prints are on show at any given time.

Until July 7, the Baur Foundation celebrates Tanabata
Start the summer holidays on a happy note and come celebrate Tanabata 七夕 – the Japanese festival of stars (and lovers). Search for symbols of love in the exhibition halls; write your wishes on coloured tanzaku papers before hanging them on bamboo; or learn to write your name in katakana.
Feel free to participate in yukata.
Entrance ticket price
Estampes Japonaises : conférences
Dans le cadre de l'exposition Estampes japonaises 1860-1890, deux conférences sont organisées :
Jeudi 9 juin 18h30 : « De Kuniyoshi à Yoshitoshi : tradition et innovation ».
Par Helen Loveday, conservatrice à la Fondation Baur et commissaire de l’exposition
CHF 10.- par personne ; gratuit pour les Amis du musée
Sur inscription : reservations@fondationbaur.ch
Dimanche 19 juin 16h30
« Les origines du manga »
A quoi ressemblaient les premiers mangas ? Une conférence axée jeune public (et amateurs de tous âges !) retrace les origines du manga, des rouleaux illustrés du XIIIe siècle jusqu’ à « Astro Boy » !
Par Sylviane de Cerjat Hagger, guide conférencière
Prix du billet d’entrée
Sur inscription : reservations@fondationbaur.ch

samedi 21 mai : Nuit des musées
Pour cette nouvelle édition de la Nuit de musées, nous vous réservons un programme riche en découvertes artistiques, créatives et gustatives autour du thème de la transformation : atelier pour enfants, jeu de piste et visites à la carte.
Comptoir de thé Aux Mille Pins et food truck Debi's Kitchen.
De 18h à 23h.
Pour plus de détails et le programme complet, consultez : https://nuitdesmusees-geneve.ch

From April 7th to May 29th 2022
Utagawa Yoshikazu 歌川芳員 (active 1850-1860)
The Full Moon over a Mansion
Oban triptych, published by Maruya Seijirô, 1854
Photo Marian Gérard
For reasons of conservation, the prints presented in the Japanese galleries on the second floor of the museum are regularly changed every two months. Between six and ten prints are on show at any given time.

Easter Holidays at the Museum: drawing competition for children, Japanese delicacies for adults!
During the Easter holidays, visit the museum and draw your favourite work in kawaii ("cute") style. There is a small reward for the five most ... kawaii drawings!
Free activity for 6 to 10 year olds (drawing materials and kawaii face models are available at the reception desk). Free entry for the accompanying adult, from 15th to 24th April 2022.
To enter the competition: drop off your drawing at the reception desk or send us a photo to mediation@fondationbaur.ch. Add your full name, age, and e-mail address (optional: mention the work you used as a model).
If you live too far away, you can refer to our online collection (“Collection overview") and choose from the hundred or so published objects.
From 22nd to 24th April, complete your visit to the Aux Mille Pins tea shop: small kawaii objects and tea pastries. Emiko Okamoto is waiting for you on the first floor of the museum.

GUIDED TOUR - Artistic techniques : 3 April 2022
In parallel with the European Artistic Craft Days (EACD), (re)discover our museum through its techniques: ceramics, jade, lacquer, woodblock printing, etc.
Sunday April 3rd, 2.30 pm
Duration : 1 hour, adults
Price of admission ticket (free for Friends of Museum)
Upon reservation : reservations@fondationbaur.ch

Daniel Lifermann, master of shakuhachi, proposes a musical conclusion to the exhibition In Praise of Light with a concert-conference about the traditional Japanese bamboo flute, illustrating his talk with various pieces from the repertoire.
Friday March 25th, 6.30 pm
CHF 20 normal price ; CHF 15 Friends of the Museum and reduce fee ; free of charge for children under 16
Upon reservation : reservations@fondationbaur.ch

From February 8th to March 27th 2022
Utagawa Kunisada 歌川国貞 (1786-1865)
Women dancing
Ôban triptych, published by Sanoya Kihei, 1844
For reasons of conservation, the prints presented in the Japanese galleries on the second floor of the museum are regularly changed every two months. Between six and ten prints are on show at any given time.

February 2 to 8: Tanabe Chikuunsai IV in Geneva
As part of the temporary exhibition In Praise of Light, Pierre Soulages – Tanabe Chikuunsai IV, we are pleased to announce that Tanabe Chikuunsai IV and his disciples will create a monumental sculpture of woven black bamboo in the museum's hall from 2 February to 8 February 2022. This sculpture will be visible for a few weeks after its completion.
Photo: © Tadayuki Minamoto, courtesy Galerie Mingei, Paris

30 January 2022: Welcome in the Year of the Tiger!
Spend an afternoon celebrating the lunar New Year: hear about the stories of the animals of the Zodiac, learn to calligraphy good-luck sentences or make your own tiger mask!
All afternoon, from 2.30 pm (no inscription needed)

End of year holidays
The museum will be closed to the public from December 24th 2021 until January 2nd 2022 (reopening on Tuesday January 4th at 2pm).

From November 30th 2021 to January 30th 2022
Chûshingura or “The Revenge of the Loyal Retainers”
below :
Utagawa Hiroshige 歌川広重 (1797-1858)
Chûshingura or “The Revenge of the Loyal Retainers”
Ôban, published by Izumiya Ichibei, c. 1840
1. The night attack: the 47 rônin cross the Sumida to avenge their master’s death.
For reasons of conservation, the prints presented in the Japanese galleries on the second floor of the museum are regularly changed every two months. Between six and ten prints are on show at any given time.

From October 5th to November 28th 2021
Totoya Hokkei 魚屋 北渓 (active 1780-1850)
Making tea at sunrise
Surimono, privately published, early 1830s
For reasons of conservation, the prints presented in the Japanese galleries on the second floor of the museum are regularly changed every two months. Between six and ten prints are on show at any given time.

Please note that the museum will be closed on the following dates:
- Every Friday from the 1st of October to the 12th of November 2021
- Sunday 17th and Sunday 31st of October 2021
The opening hours of other days will remain the same (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday from 2 pm to 6 pm).
We apologize for any inconvenience caused and look forward to welcoming you in the museum.

Automne de la Culture Japonaise
Mardi 5 octobre 2021, à 18h30
Conférence de Philippe Neeser
Le parcours d’un collectionneur, d’une rencontre à l’autre
Durée : 1h
Sur inscription : reservations@fondationbaur.ch
Dimanche 10 octobre 2021, de 14h00 à 17h30
Savourez l’heure du thé au musée
Dégustation de matcha/hojicha latte préparé par Dany Affolter https://www.jusqa.ch/
Dégustation de sencha/genmaicha préparé par Emiko Okamoto http://www.millepins.ch/
Gratuit pour tous les visiteurs du musée (entrée de 0.- à 10.-)
Dimanche 28 novembre, à 14h30
Visite de l’exposition Eloge de la lumière – Pierre Soulages, Tanabe Chikuunsai IV par la commissaire Laure Schwartz-Arenales
Durée : 1h
Tarif : 10.-
Sur inscription : complet
Dégustation de thé de 14h15 à 17h15 par Emiko Okamoto http://www.millepins.ch/
Gratuit pour tous les visiteurs du musée (entrée de 0.- à 10.-)

AVV : nocturne 29 septembre et portes ouvertes 2 octobre
Mercredi 29 septembre 2021 de 18h à 20h
Samedi 2 octobre 2021 de 14h à 18h
Entrée libre dans les collections permanentes Chine, Japon et salle des Donations.
Treize galeries et trois musées de la Vieille Ville participent à l’événement : http://www.avv.ch/

From August 8th to October 3rd 2021
Utagawa Kunisada 歌川国貞 (1786-1864) and Utagawa Hiroshige 歌川広重 (1797-1858)
From the series “The Elegant Prince Genji”: The Garden in the Evening and Tsukuda
Ôban triptychs, published by Iseya Kanekichi, 1853
For reasons of conservation, the prints presented in the Japanese galleries on the second floor of the museum are regularly changed every two months. Between six and ten prints are on show at any given time.

Due to renovation work and to ensure the safety of our visitors, the museum will exceptionally be closed to the public from Tuesday 14th to Sunday 26th of September.
It will reopen from Tuesday, September 28th at 2 pm.

Partner of Geneva Resort Pass
The Baur Foundation is partner with the Geneva Resort Pass.
Special summer offer: between 1 July and 31 August, receive your Geneva Resort Pass for free upon arriving at your hotel and enjoy more than 100 activities which are free or at a reduced price.

From June 15th to August 8th 2021
Utagawa Kunisada 歌川国貞 (1786-1864)
Sudden evening rain
Oban triptych, published by Hamadaya Tokubei, c.1848-1850
For reasons of conservation, the prints presented in the Japanese galleries on the second floor of the museum are regularly changed every two months. Between six and ten prints are on show at any given time.

From April 27th to June 13th 2021
Tsukioka Yoshitoshi 月岡芳年 (1839-1892)
Chronicle of Yoshitsune, View from Gojô Bridge (Benkei 弁慶 and Minamoto no Yoshitsune 源義経)
Ôban triptych, published by Moritomo Junzaburô, 1881
For reasons of conservation, the prints presented in the Japanese galleries on the second floor of the museum are regularly changed every two months. Between six and ten prints are on show at any given time.

AVV : Late-Night Opening May 20th
AVV : Art en Vieille-Ville - Nocturne
Thursday, May 20, 2021 (6pm-8pm)

May 16th : Journée Internationale des Musées
Découvrez les chefs-d'œuvre de la collection permanente du musée ainsi que les magnifiques jades archaïques chinois de l'exposition temporaire Genèse de l'Empire céleste, dragons, phénix et autres chimères, avec la présence dans les salles d'une guide conférencière.
Fête des enfants "Kodomo no hi" 子供の日
Samedi 1er, dimanche 2 et mercredi 5 mai 2021 de 14h à 18h
Le 5 mai, au Japon, c'est la journée des enfants.
A cette occasion, nous proposons aux enfants dès 6 ans un « concours de coloriage » le samedi 1er, le dimanche 2 et le mercredi 5 mai 2021, de 14h à 18h dans le hall d’entrée du musée.
Le(s) gagnant(s) seront sélectionnés par un jury et informés dans le courant du mois de mai.

May 4th : conference "Chine, le Ciel l'autre moitié de la terre"
Chine, le Ciel l'autre moitié de la terre
Rejoignez-nous pour une exceptionnelle conférence en ligne autour de la cosmologie et des jades archaïque chinois.
En marge cadre de l’exposition Genèse de l’Empire céleste. Dragons, phénix et autres chimères, Jean-Paul Desroches, Conservateur général honoraire du patrimoine, et Filippo Salviati, Professeur d’Art et d’Archéologie de la Chine et de la Corée à l’Université Sapienza de Rome nous guident entre le Ciel et la Terre, à voyager au cœur des jades archaïques de la collection Sam et Myrna Myers.
Programme :
- Introduction : Laure Schwartz-Arenales, directrice de la Fondation Baur, Musée des Arts d'Extrême-Orient
- Chine, le Ciel l'autre moitié de la terre : Jean-Paul Desroches, conservateur général honoraire du Patrimoine
- Le Jade dans la Chine ancienne : beauté, ritualité et mystère : Filippo Salviati, professeur d’Art et d’Archéologie de la Chine et de la Corée à l’université Sapienza de Rome
- Conclusion : Sam Myers, collectionneur
- Questions et réponses
Veuillez cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous afin de rejoindre le webinaire :
Code secret : 475326

From March 2nd to April 25th 2021
Utagawa Kunisada II 歌川国貞 (1823-1880)
Workshop making battledores
Ôban triptych, published by Sumiyoshiya Masagorô, 1849-1852
For reasons of conservation, the prints presented in the Japanese galleries on the second floor of the museum are regularly changed every two months. Between six and ten prints are on show at any given time.

Les weekends de mars, l’accès aux musées genevois est gratuit !
Afin de respecter les consignes sanitaires en vigueur, notre équipe d’accueil devra parfois être dans l’obligation de faire patienter les visiteuses et visiteurs.
Nous nous excusons d’avance pour le temps d’attente et vous remercions chaleureusement de votre patience !
Nos horaires d'ouverture : 14h00 à 18h00 (samedi et dimanche).
Pas de réservations au préalable.

Reopening March 2nd
In accordance with the latest measures taken by the authorities on February 24th, the museum will once again be open to the public on March 2nd.

Temporary Public Closure
In accordance with the latest measures taken by the authorities, the Baur Foundation is closed to the public until February 28th 2021.
You can follow us on Facebook, Instagram or phone us on 022.704.32.82.

From December 15th 2020 to February 7th 2021
Utagawa Kunisada 歌川国貞 (1786-1864)
Snow View of the Sumida River
Ôban triptych, published by Sanoya Kihei, 1853
For reasons of conservation, the prints presented in the Japanese galleries on the second floor of the museum are regularly changed every two months. Between six and ten prints are on show at any given time.

Reopening December 1st
From Tuesday 1st of December at 2 pm, the museum will once again be open to the public.

Temporary Public Closure
In accordance with the latest measures taken by the Cantonal authorities, the Baur Foundation is closed to the public until November 30th.
The opening of the temporary exhibition The Beginning of the World. Dragons, Phoenix and other Chimera, planned for November 11th has been postponed.
Visitors will be able to view the exhibition as soon as the museum reopens to the public on December 1st 2020.

Yôkai at the Baur Foundation
From Tuesday 6th of October to Sunday 1st of November 2020
Presentation in the Japanese gallery of a print triptych by Utagawa Kuniyoshi (Apparition of a ghost) and of a few pages of Hokusai’s Manga.

Museum closed from Sunday 20th to Wednesday 30th of September
Due to renovation work and to ensure the safety of our visitors, the museum will be closed to the public from Sunday 20th to Wednesday 30th of September. It will reopen from Thursday, October 1st at 2 pm.

From September 1st to October 25th
Utagawa Kunisada 歌川国貞 (1786-1864)
The Pine Tree, from the series Famous Places in Edo with Poems
Oban triptych, published by Jôshûya Kinzô, c. 1844
For reasons of conservation, the prints presented in the Japanese galleries on the second floor of the museum are regularly changed every two months. Between six and ten prints are on show at any given time.

From July 7th to September 1st
Utagawa Kunisada 歌川国貞 (1786-1864)
Ladies surprised by a sudden rainstorm
Ôban triptych, published by Ezakiya Kichibei, mid 1820s
For reasons of conservation, the prints presented in the Japanese galleries on the second floor of the museum are regularly changed every two months. Between six and ten prints are on show at any given time.

En Juillet : les ateliers d'Emiko
En juillet, venez participer aux différents ateliers proposés par Emiko Okamoto (créations en papier japonais, découverte et dégustation de thés)

Reopening June 9th
From Tuesday 9th of June at 2 pm, the museum will once again be open to the public.
A one-way flow has been laid out to enable visitors to appreciate safely the displays in the permanent exhibition rooms (China, Japan and the donations gallery).

360° Virtual Tour
While awaiting the museum's reopening on June 9th, enjoy from the comfort of your home our last temporary exhibition, Of Clay and Silk
© Marian Gérard

In accordance with the latest measures taken by the Federal authorities aimed at limiting the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), the Baur Foundation is closed to the public until further notice.
We thank you for your understanding.

Museum closed from Monday 10th to Friday 14th of February
Due to renovation work and to ensure the safety of our visitors, the museum will exceptionally be closed to the public from Monday 10th to Friday 14th of February. It will reopen from Saturday, February 15th at 2 pm.

Japanese gallery : new selection of woodblock prints
Until March 22
Katsukawa Shun’ei 勝川春英 (1762 -1819)
Portrait of the actor Bandô Hikosaburô III in the role of Sugawara no Michizane
Ôban, published by Uemura Yohei, 1796
Utagawa Toyokuni 歌川豊国 (1769 -1825)
The actor Nakamura Noshio II by the Dôjôji Temple bell
Ôban, published by Izumiya Ichibei, 1796
photo Marian Gérard
For reasons of conservation, the prints presented in the Japanese galleries on the second floor of the museum are regularly changed every two months. Between six and ten prints are on show at any given time.

Japanese gallery : new selection of woodblock prints
Until January 26th 2020
Utagawa Hiroshige 歌川広重 (1797-1858)
Gion Shrine in the Snow, from the series Famous Places in Kyôto
Ôban, published by Kawaguchiya Shôzô, c. 1834
photo Marian Gérard
For reasons of conservation, the prints presented in the Japanese galleries on the second floor of the museum are regularly changed every two months. Between six and ten prints are on show at any given time.

Dimanche 27 octobre : Cliographie de Kikou Yamata, du Japon à la Suisse
Cliographie de Kikou Yamata, du Japon à la Suisse
La vie et l’œuvre de Kikou Yamata, femme de lettres franco-japonaise, seront célébrées à la Fondation Baur – musée des arts d'Extrême-Orient lors d'une manifestation culturelle originale intitulée « Clio-graphie ». Elle consistera en une évocation littéraire et artistique de cette personnalité exceptionnelle. Après une présentation succincte de la vie de Kikou Yamata par l'historien français Matthieu Séguéla, l'artiste japonaise Yukako Matsui réalisera en public des calligraphies inspirées par des thèmes chers à la romancière : la parure des kimonos, la mélodie des haïkus, le mystère des paravents, l'art floral de l'ikebana ou la nature japonaise célébrée à l'unisson de la forêt helvète. Le compositeur franco-suisse Richard Dubugnon accompagnera de ses créations à la contrebasse le ballet calligraphique de Yukako Matsui tandis que des intermèdes permettront la lecture à plusieurs voix de textes et de poèmes de Kikou Yamata.
Dimanche 27 octobre, 15h au musée. Places limitées, inscriptions : gmuroni@fondationbaur.ch
et Vendredi 25 octobre à 18h30 :
De Tokyo à Genève: Kikou Yamata, femme de lettres du XXe siècle
Conférence introductive par l’historien Matthieu Séguéla
Bâtiment des Philosophes Amphithéâtre PHIL201
Bd des Philosophes 22
Entrée libre dans la limite des places disponibles
Automne de la Culture Japonaise 2019

Until mid November: waterfalls and rivers on woodblock prints
Katsushika Hokusai葛飾北斎 (1760-1849)
Kirifuri Waterfall at Mount Kuromaki (Shimotsuke)
Ôban, published by Nishimuraya Yohachi, c. 1832
photo Marian Gérard
For reasons of conservation, the prints presented in the Japanese galleries on the second floor of the museum are regularly changed every two months. Between six and eight prints are on show at any given time.

prolongation : heart@geneva, parcours artistique
Exposition prolongée jusqu'au 29 septembre !
Du 19 juin au 31 août 2019, à l'occasion de la deuxième édition du parcours heart@geneva, la fondation a l'honneur d'accueillir deux œuvres de Denis Savary, Furnace I & II (2018)

New selection of woodblock prints to be seen
Utagawa Hiroshige II 歌川広重 (1826-1869)
Gathering shell-fish
Ôban triptych, published by Nôshûya Yasubei, 1861
photo Marian Gérard
For reasons of conservation, the prints presented in the Japanese galleries on the second floor of the museum are regularly changed every two months. Between six and eight prints are on show at any given time.

New textiles to be seen in the donations gallery
Theatrical robe with dragons flying among clouds
Woven silk satin embroidered with coloured and gold thread
China, Shanghai, 20th century, Natural donation. Photo Marian Gérard

Until July 3rd, Japanese Woodblock prints by Kunisada
Utagawa Kunisada 歌川国貞 (1786-1865)
The Sixth Month: Summer Airing, from the series The Twelve Months
Ôban triptych, published by Tsutaya Kichizô, 1854
photo Marian Gérard
For reasons of conservation, the prints presented in the Japanese galleries on the second floor of the museum are regularly changed every two months. Between six and eight prints are on show at any given time.

Until May 14 : Japanese Woodblock prints by Utagawa School
Utagawa Sadahide 歌川貞秀 (1807-1878)
Ôban triptych, published by Fujiokaya Keijirô, c. 1848-1850
Photo Marian Gérard
For reasons of conservation, the prints presented in the Japanese galleries on the second floor of the museum are regularly changed every two months. Between six and eight prints are on show at any given time.

Until March 17 : Japanese Woodblock prints by Kunisada and Kuniyoshi
Utagawa Kunisada 歌川国貞 (1786-1864) and Utagawa Kuniyoshi 歌川国芳 (1797-1861)
Kunisada, Making rice cakes for the New Year
Ôban, published by Tsutaya Kichizö, 1854
Photo Marian Gérard
For reasons of conservation, the prints presented in the Japanese galleries on the second floor of the museum are regularly changed every two months. Between six and eight prints are on show at any given time.

Voeux 2019
Chers amis du musée, chers visiteurs,
Toute l'équipe de la Fondation Baur, musée des Arts de l’Extrême-Orient, vous souhaite une très bonne année 2019 !
Des lumineuses images bouddhiques de Borobudur aux trésors monochromes chinois, la Fondation Baur nous a réunis tout au long de ces derniers mois autour de grandes expositions qui resteront en ce qui me concerne précieusement attachées à cette première année passée à la direction de ce si beau musée. Je me réjouis de pouvoir continuer de partager avec vous l’histoire d’une institution qui depuis sa naissance, et selon les vœux et le goût de son fondateur s’est toujours distinguée par une valorisation exigeante et sensible de ses collections exceptionnelles et des arts de l’Asie en général.
Fidèle à cet esprit, la programmation de 2019 s’annonce riche et variée. Dans les premiers jours d’avril et jusqu’au début de l’été, le musée sera tout imprégné du parfum exotique et enivrant de la période des Années folles : l’exposition Asia chic se penchera en effet sur cette rencontre étonnante du début du XXe siècle entre textiles asiatiques et mode européenne. Au regard de revues et dessins de créateurs parisiens, vous découvrirez les habits extrême-orientaux qui ont constitué leurs sources d’inspiration et libéré les femmes de lourdes contraintes vestimentaires. Vous pourrez apprécier en particulier de nombreux kimonos issus des remarquables donations de Sato Mariko en 2008 et Sugawara Keiko en 2015.
A l’automne, dans le cadre du parcours céramique carougeois, qui ouvre le musée à la création contemporaine, nous avons choisi d’initier un cycle d’expositions favorisant autour de l’artisanat d’excellence des rencontres croisées entre artistes travaillant différents matériaux. Ainsi cette année, les œuvres de Marie Laure-Guerrier, céramiste française établie en Bourgogne, seront présentées au côté des broderies de fils peints de In-Sook Son, créatrice coréenne de renommée mondiale. Rouges de cuivre, verts céladons, subtils ajours qui caractérisent le travail impressionnant de la céramiste tissent de vrais liens avec les merveilleux paravents et marqueteries brodés sur lesquels se déploient motifs et terres de Corée.
Laure Schwartz-Arenales
© Fondation Baur, photo Marian Gérard
Détail d’un plateau présentant le mont Fuji. Cloisonné
Japon, ère Meiji (1868-1912). Sceau de Namikawa Sôsuke 濤川惣助 (1847-1910)

AREthé exhibition
The Baur Foundation is pleased to take part in the AREthé festival, held simultaneously in Paris, Oxford, Milan and Geneva.
At this occasion, a selection of contemporary ceramic creations made for the Japanese tea ceremony is presented on the second floor, opposite the tea room.

Until January 13 : snow woodblock prints by Hiroshige and Kunisada
Utagawa Kunisada 歌川国貞 (1786-1864) and Utagawa Hiroshige 歌川広重 (1797-1858)
The Garden in the Snow, from the series Prince Genji in the Eastern Capital
Ôban, published by Moriya Jihei, 1854
Photo Marian Gérard
For reasons of conservation, the prints presented in the Japanese galleries on the second floor of the museum are regularly changed every two months. Between six and eight prints are on show at any given time.

Christmas Sale
During the month of December, special reduction of 50% to 70% on a selection of books

Until mid November: Kunisada woodblock prints
Utagawa Kunisada 歌川国貞 (1786-1864)
Evening Glow over Ryôgoku Bridge, from the series Eight Views of Edo restaurant
Oban triptych, published by Shimizu, 1844
For reasons of conservation, the prints presented in the Japanese galleries on the second floor of the museum are regularly changed every two months. Between six and eight prints are on show at any given time.

New presentation of the donations gallery

Restauration of the Chinese wall hanging

For a bit of freshness, discover iced matcha tea
Workshops with Emiko Okamoto (Japanese Tea Advisor) on July 4, 11, 22 and August 5 (limited seats, bookings on http://www.millepins.ch/ )